How Modern Day Magic Can Transform Your Life

From Chaos to Calm


Hello Again!

Some of you have asked what magic is and where it all began. Some old views of the practice include ideas about mysterious illusions, sorcerers zapping frogs into men, and witches with warts prancing around in pointy hats.

At Moon Babe we believe modern day magic to be much less showy than all of that, yet far more potent. Magic is about channeling energy to fulfill your goals, intentionally willing change for you and your loved ones, and consciously using your resolve to create the world you want to live in. Magic can take your life from chaos to calm - blessing you with power to transform negative into positive.

You're likely already practicing magic without knowing it. Feeling down so put on your favorite red sweater to boost your mood? Color Magic! Messy home got you feeling frazzled, so you reorganize or purge? Cleansing ritual! Took a candle lit bath with essential oils to reset after a tumultuous day? Self-Love Spell!

Moon Babe Blankets are a like magic wand - created and designed as a tool to help you focus on the moment through gratitude, recognize and live your values with creativity, and raise your emotional and physical energy through protection and love.

From, Joanna, one of our recent customers: "These blankets are truly magical. My son has received numerous blankets over the years and he has not cared about any of them until he received the Make Magic Blanket. It is his go-to blanket for sleep and fort making. Lovely fabric, nice weight, and whimsical design. And it’s from a small sustainable company. It’s a win win!"

We invite you see what others are saying about our blankets.

While we can’t change the world in a day, we can make change in our spirit at any moment. And that's the magic of the Universe within each of us. 

Until Next Time
Theola, Founder
Moon Babe Blankets


Raising Your Energy To Make Way For Magic


Invoke Your Magic to Turn Minutes into Memories